Sunday, April 02, 2006

What would you be more willing to do: give the rest of your long life to a cause you believe in, or die tomorrow for a cause you believe in?
1)Give my entire lifetime
2)Die tomorrow


la dahlia said...

I will respond to this later, because right now I am not sure.

meeka said...

hey Dahlia, is that the Dahlia flower there?

Anonymous said...

You know, maybe it depends on what it is I "believe in" but in the case of Christianity...I think I'd rather die for the cause. Maybe...I dunno...I'd like to die when I was finished with my purpose.

la dahlia said...

Actually, I don't know how to answer that. It'd be nice to go to heaven early, but not unless, like Ivory said, my purpose on Earth has been fulfilled. And, yes, actually, that IS a dahlia!