Thursday, November 09, 2006

Okay so I'm taking all those classes plus
Biblical Literature II
Biblical Psychology

I'm really excited for next semester -- it's going to be fun!

Ivory, my cell phone hasn't had reception for like a week...I don't know why. I miss everyone. When will you be home Ivory?


Anonymous said...

I'm going home either the 22nd or 23rd. I'll let you know probably in a few days. Also, what would you think of a joint Avila-Kossian Thanksgiving. It's a mere suggestion right now and don't mention it to your parents yet but my parents are thinking if it would work out before they invite your family over. Miss you, take care and God bless!

meeka said...

A Avila-Kossian Thanksgiving would be so awesome! Unfortanetly I know my parents already have plans for thanksgiving at my Aunt's house...I didn't even know that 'til a couple days ago :( I was a little bummed because I was looking forward to not having to go anywhere, but it'll be good to see everyone. My mom mentioned to me having your family over for dinner over the break...? yess? I'm so excited to see you Ivory :D

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Caleb, huh?

meeka said...

Caleb actually won't be coming home :(

Anonymous said...

I actually meant Caleb from the pictures...

Anonymous said...

but that's too bad that Caleb your brother isn't coming home... :(