One of my friends said something today while we were watching Titanic (we were a week late for its anniversery, haha)...and I'm sure many people have said it before, but--it's so true..
She said, "Watching movies like this gives you unrealistic expectations for a relationship." It's just so true...and I cannot get that statement out of my head. So true, and yet so incredibly annoying.
I think...I need to fast from romantic movies...or something. Not that I even watch them very often. But they really do affect me!!--no matter how much I want to deny it. Lame? yes. I mean...I didn't even think I liked Titanic! I thought it was such a cheezy movie...etc..which it most certainly is in a way. But somewhere in there, I just thought..."what if that had actually happened to me?" What if I was in love with a man..and I was faced with the situation of him possibly dying? And..what if I had to watch him die right in front of me and I had to go on living?
I don't know how people who have actually gone through this have ever been able to manage the agony...
I know exactly what you mean, Marika. When I made the discovery in middle school that I was being negatively affected by all the romantic novels I was reading, I "fasted" from romantic novels for like two years.
Wow, what you said is so true! Movies just show what we want to see, that will make it a good movie, I guess. Most don't show the hurt and pain for a relationship that looks so spontaneous on the screen. I know how I feel after watching romantic movies and I think it gives me a picture of something to hope for that may never come true and isn't the real thing! The real world is so different, I mean i don't really hear stories from actual couples that went through some of the things that I see in movies or read in books. Media just paints a pictures for us that we want to see, because it's true...we do like watching love at first sight, etc., but it as your friend said, "gives you unrealistic expectations for a relationship." okay, sorry...don't know if I really made any sense, but that's what I think.
Lol, that's funny Dahlia :D
I think I just need to start watching movies differently. Like I always pick a character I identify with and then watch the rest of the movie like that's me! I just need to get over it.. :)
It's inevitable. This year has been sooo good in that regard. Since I can't watch movies, I've gotten the opportunity to focus on only one relationship. Sure, we saw One Night With The King and The Nativity...but see how much easier it is to put God in the role of the King? There's something about recieving more TRUTH than you do UNREALITY. I think that's truly what Master's Commission strives to do...deprive you of the world's influence and sow seeds of Christ in your life. When the latter outweighs the former, He can eventually speak to us even through secular movies. Thank God!
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