Monday, March 06, 2006

I created a blog! yay! lkj;haohfksjdncksdbshf!!!!*)

I registered for Web Content Development I today, for next quarter. I was signed up for Greek and Latin Elements of English, but it got canceled for some reason so I had to find another class. That class was only a level 100 anyway, so it's probably a good thing I'm not in it because I think it has to be at a least a level 101 to go toward an AA.

Here is my new schedule for Spring Quarter:
Inter. Karate MW 9-10am
First Aid and Safety 10-11am
Web Content Development I 12-1pm
MicroEconomics 1-2pm

I'm going to sew a skirt today, lol. I set up my mom's old sewing machine and everything. I bought the fabric and stuff a long time ago, but I never got around to actually doing it. I just cut out the pattern. The fabric is cotton so I put it in the dryer so it'll shrink. Sewing frustrates me like nothing else--that's why I'm doing this. My mom has been trying to help me read the pattern and I don't know what it is..something about following directions so carefully makes me so frustrated~! It's the same with cooking. grrrrrr.

Caleb decided that he's going to Taylor with me! I'm glad. I think he would like it more there than at Central. The other night I had a dream that I was at Taylor and meeting my roommate for the first time. It was weird--I saw her face so clearly. She was half black, half hispanic...and we totally clicked. We got along sooo well, it was perfect.


la dahlia said...

Maybe your dream will come true...

meeka said...

it could happen!...